Join us for Melbourne's newest excuse to yell stuff loudly in a small room!
Featuring all the way from Kuala Lumpur, the phenomenal spoken word of Melizarani T. Silva!
As well as the enchanting bombastic circus hula hoop skills of Hayley Hoopla aka Hoop Dogg!
$10 ENTRY 8pm sign up to the slam! 9pm SHARP Kick off! Slam rules - 3 min performance max! 10 performer limit!
What is a slam? Slams famously began as an open mic competition that forced poets to be entertaining. It is not just for poets but for anyone who wants to jump on stage with no props or instruments for 3 minutes. Judges score the performers and whoever wins gets to be Natalie Portman. Whoever loses is Jar Jar Binks.
Come for much dinosaur roars and heckling of poets!
Note: May IS Star Wars month and if you come in theme of perform to the theme you are a legend. !!Prizes for best costume!!