Consider this scenario. It's Friday the 26th of July 2019 Year of Our Lord, and for some reason you're not at 303 for this lineup. The shame. The guilt. The nausea. Now that the case has been made and you're undeniably attending, have a squiz at the lineup you're in for.
JUDE JOSEPH is one of the reasons his culture is dying out - cos he chooses to scream and play guitar in rooms full of white people and use words like ‘squiz’ instead of doing anything to solidly identify with his heritage. It's okay though, at least he tells you off for being white. Come watch him do it. There might even be a surprise!!!
THE CLOTHESLINES are quickly making their mark on the scene. Their lyrics are raw, they have actual harmonies, and they got rhythm. So they're like, ⅓ folk punk. Perhaps it's mass internalised self-hatred, maybe it's an inability to deny good music when we hear it, but the folk punx love it regardless.
ABITOW YAGAHN are the guttural manifestation of frontman Vernon Surly’s anarcho-cantankerous theses, the sheer disdain anyone's ever channeled towards anything ever, and the spiritually immortal Olver St house (gone but never forgotten). The gutbucket-backed acoustic-guitar driven tirades are a forced introspection for every listener, a chance to honestly confront yourself and determine whether you are, in fact, a Steve.
QUINTON TREMBATH (WHEREVER THE FUCK HE LIVES THESE DAYS) returns to Melbourne to take your mind off all the bullshit and remind you that sometimes, life can be as simple as the moments that you can't help but admit you're having fun - thereby losing all your punk credentials in doing so.
8pm kickoff!
FREE ENTRY, but there will be a donation bucket to which you're highly encouraged to contribute if you're a fan of DIY artists making money for their work. If you hate the music, maybe throw in a fiver attached to a note telling us how awful we are. It'll be twice as scathing if you attach sarcasm money.