Bogweed Tape Club (nsw/qld/vic)
Monica Brooks (nsw) + Skye McNicol (qld)
Aeon Hakyavik
Fina Po + MC AC/AC
Bogweed Tape Club hits Naarm/Melbourne for the first time. They will be using the entire venue, front and back, for a site-specific sonic beauty party over exactly an hour. Joined by local legends The Snacks!
Supported by the incredibles:
Monica Brooks (nsw) + Skye McNicol (qld)
- Accordion and violin electroacoustic improvised music duo
Fina Po
- Performance maker in action to become more like a carpet, more like a couch, more like homemade jelly through human body motion poetry and absurdity. Is less movement more dance?
commentated by MC AC/AC
Is there an entry fee? There better be. Well, how much is it?